Sunday, July 08, 2007

DR Photos

Just a few pics of the DR crew. Island hopping and politicking...
Bevy Smith and President Leonel Fernandez
Rob Hardy of Rainforest Films getting in some work.

Amy Gilliam, Grahame Duffield, Jonathan Zilli and David Lihn

L. Marilyn Crawford pre-flight luxuriating

Monique Chenault + Mollita Muhammad

Jaun Luis of the DR held us down the entire trip

Shiri Appleby, Me, Hillary Rosenman at the National Palace

David Lihn, DR Secretary of State Eddie Martinez, The President Leonel Fernandez, & Henry from LOLA

The View from Villa de Muhammad at Tortuga Bay

Henry from LOLA and Michael John CEO Syntegral Consulting Corp. build

The Donald is Here!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the pictures, Shiri looks lovely. So tanned.

If I may ask, was she there filming her new TV show or on vacation?

Thanks again.