Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Keep Walking

"What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step."
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Anytime I set out to do something big. I run into obstacles, dead ends, opposition, & frustration. Sometimes I want to say forget it and move on to something else, but the inner hustle is always like "come on lets try it like this, call so & so, go get that what'chamacallit." then it points me in a new direction and all of a sudden we are back on course.

Just think of it like this, if you knew you had a million dollars waiting on you 1,000 miles away and the only way for you to get it was to walk. Would you go get it? Would you wear out those Jordans going to get i? Hell yeah. Its the same in any aspect of life. You want that Job you are going to do everything you can to get that job. Resume, letters, recommendations, 2-3 interviews, scouring the net on your current job 's computer....etc. You have to put that same resolve into building your dreams.

Yet, in doing so, hard times will come, but you just have to keep walking. And at some point you'll arrive.

1 comment:

BEVY! said...

Preach Brother Muhammad Preach! You aint neva lied!!