Friday, April 06, 2007

Thoughts: Kings Stay Kings

Here's a clip from The Wire where D'angelo Barksdale is teaching the the young soldiers how to play chess after he finds them playing checkers on a chess board. He teaches them by likening the game to their life. If we take the same approach to our life where will we end up on the board?

The best Part of the clip is the thesis of "Why y'all playing checkers with a chess set?"

That is what most of us are doing by not looking at the bigger picture, and using the tools we have, to get the life that we want. We do shit like work at jobs we hate then just go to work,bust our ass and come home. Wake up...Repeat. All that Just to pay for the plasma that entertains us, and the car that makes us feel good driving to work. The game is not that your boss is king and you are not. The game is that you are the boss of your life and dreams. Work strategically to get the life,family and work of your dreams.

Jay Z Said...
Niggahz playing Checkers wid Chess playing Hov
This game is over I dunno if y'all know
You in a hole.

I Say: Get out of that hole. Invest in yourself, because if you don't your life belongs to someone else and when its over its over..and You dug the hole for yourself.

Bottom line is the Kings Stay Kings...Be the King of your own Life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree with your assessment that alot of cats just don't approach being successful from a standpoint that they expect to succeed. We hear alot of "I'm tryin' to do this" and "I want to do that" and if "this happens first then i can do this" but where's the real action, confidnce and convistion to make it happen. Understand the rules of the game and play it to the fullest. By now, there's enough information out there to learn anything we want, so no more excuses. The chess playing analogy by Hov and the clip about playing checkers on a chess board are real reminders that knowing the rules of the game and life that we want to lead brings us that much closer to achieving our goals. I like to remind my seventh grade students that they would never show up to a football game with a baseball bat or shoot a baseball on the basketball court. So why not implement the same strategy when it comes to achieving your goals. Peace - Marquis