Saturday, April 21, 2007

Real Talk:Cathy Hughes

This is an intriguing video of Cathy Hughes, Founder & Chairwoman of Radio One, giving the Tavis Smiley Town Hall meeting the "Bizness." Towards the end is where it gets good...She basically acknowledges the entrepreneurship and success of the of Hip Hop generation and the war that exisits between them the media and the "black intelligencia." She gets mad props for saying(pre-Imus) what no one else is willing to say(post-Imus).

Check it out and let us know what you or post comment here.


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Dang...I slept on her. That was niiiice.

Anonymous said...

More people need to know about this! It's all about the communication and how it is being presented and by whom. This should be an intro on all the mix-tapes, radio shows and the like. Did anyone forward this to Oprah? She could learn a thing or two... who's side is she really on? Especially as one who controls what's being communicated, she did a disservice to her people last week.