Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Thoughts: Box Boy to Billionaire

In the 3/18/07 edition of Ny Times Magazine they asked billionaire, financier, Ron Burkle some questions. Here's one that I found interesting...

NY Times Magazine: ...Although you’re selling off Pathmark to A.&P., you seem destined to be known as a supermarket guy:

Ron Burkle: I started out as a box boy. You know, I didn’t go to college, and I did well in supermarkets.

Now on the surface it was tame, but the way it seemed to me was that the interviewer tried to put "shame in his game" by implying that after all he's done he will go down just as a grocery store owner. But he shook her right off...

Like if it was in "real" talk it would've went down like this...

Ny Times: Although your are selling off your stores, we are never going to let you forget you were the grocery store boy.
Ron: Look here!- I started at the bottom and took over this shit... and quite frankly---MuthaF@#er, I'm rich!

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