Monday, April 30, 2007

Quote of the Day:Goldi Gold

HAGAKURE the Book of the Samurai

The phrase, Win first, fight later can be summed up in two words,
"Win beforehand."
The resourcefulness of times of peace is the military preparation for times of war. With five hundred allies one can defeat an enemy force of ten thousand
-Goldi Gold, Artist(sent via

Those times when you are doing good, making money, & having fun, are the times to build your allies and make your plan. When your are working at the job, your status is good, and you are getting the bonuses and the raises, thats the opportunity to begin preparing for your next move. That's when you are creating the business plan, and raising money.That's when you start looking for the next job. Don't wait to get laid off of fired. Win first!! Thanks Goldi Gold!(Goldi was one of our first Advertisers!!!)

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