It's not easy as it looks on the colorful pyramid up there. Self Actualization is not achieved by everyone, actually very few people get to that point. The 21st Century Hustle theory is that people are now taking a more active aproach to achieving SA. So over the course of 21st Century you will encounter more, and more people who have "Self Actualized." Over the course of the weekend we will kick it about the big Hommie Maslow, and how Self Actualization fits in to your grind.
Bevy sent me a SA manifesto that we will break up into parts so you can begin on your road to getting yourself Actualized.
I'm not sure where she got it from...but what the hell....Game is Game...Getsome.
1.Realistic Realistically oriented, a Self-Actualizing (SA) person has a more efficient perception of reality, and has comfortable relations with it. This is extended to all areas of life. A Self-Actualizing person is unthreatened and unfrightened by the unknown. He has a superior ability to reason, to see the truth, and is logical and efficient.
2.Self Acceptance Accepts himself, others and the natural world the way they are. Sees human nature as is, has a lack of crippling guilt or shame, enjoys himself without regret or apology, and has no unnecessary inhibitions.
3. Spontaneity, Simplicity, Naturalness Spontaneous in his inner life. Thoughts and impulses are unhampered by convention. His ethics are autonomous, and Self-actualizing individuals are motivated to continual growth.
4. Focus of Problem Centering-- A Self-actualizing person focuses on problems and people outside of himself. He has a mission in life requiring much energy, as it is his sole reason for existence. He is serene, characterized by a lack of worry, and is devoted to duty.
To Be Continued...