Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Donald Kicks Ass(Again)

In promoting his new book "Think Big and Kick Ass in Business and Life" The Donald is to the Learning Annex, what Diddy is to club promoters! Big Money at the door! Except The Learning Annex is giving "some" of it back(sorta)

From the NyTimes

Several hundred people have gathered outside the Barnes & Noble on the southeast corner of Fifth Avenue and 46th Street for a book signing by the real estate developer Donald Trump. The line extended outside the store and down Fifth Avenue and around the corner onto 46th Street. But it wasn’t clear if they were truly fans of Mr. Trump’s writing or responding to a large ad in Metro New York today, which proclaimed, “Donald Trump Is Giving Away Money.” Well, in fact, it was not Mr. Trump giving away the money, but rather the Learning Annex, the continuing education company where he teaches large “wealth expos.”

The Learning Annex gave each of the first 100 people in line a $100 bill. According to the ad, the next 200 people were to get $50 each and the next 1,000 people were to get $10 each, for a grand total of $30,000 given away. (Here’s a tip of the hat to the Media Mob for taking note of this.) However, as this post will explain, in reality less than half of that money (all the $100 bills but only some of the $50 and $10 bills) was actually distributed....

...Bill Zanker, president and founder of the Learning Annex, said he decided to hand out money at the event in hopes it could inspire people.

“Donald changed my life [READ: MADE ME A WHOOOLE LOTTA $$$]and I try to change other people’s lives,” he said.[READ: COME TO MY "WEALTH EXPO" AND MAKE ME A WHOOOLE LOT MORE!]

He said he handed out $100 bills to the first 100, $50 to the next 100 and $10 to the next. “It was fun,” he said. “People were so happy.”

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