Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Sights:Tree Sweater

I don't know if I'm going soft here or what, but what the hell---I thought this tree sweater was Dope! I'm in Cleveland and we drove by it and I had to stop and take a picture of it. I thought it would be cool in my backyard for the kids. Then I though that's a helluva feat to crochet an entire Tree!! who did that?? So a quick google on 'tree sweater' and boom...Artist Carol Hummel did.
Sometimes in business things get hectic and you don't notice the trees that are helping us to breath fresh air. But Carol's tree makes sure you can see at least one of them and that one is the brightest, happiest tree out! That's where I want to be. Breathing fresh air and coming up with fresh ideas.

Thanks Carol for this Tree. It changed my mindset for the day. I instantly had a brighter outlook and came up with some great ideas on how to get this money! Hope it helps my fellow Go Getters too!

Details on the Tree Here!

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